Saturday, July 5, 2008

Latest Update

I finally finished edits on "Ghost Moon Night," emailed it to an agent that had requested it back in March, and am waiting for a response.

Meanwhile, I am tackling a rewrite of "Girl From Gurian" which is a YA historical set in 18th century Philippines.

Monday, May 5, 2008

My biggest fear

I just read a nostalgia piece in Filipinas Magazine about a man who grew up in rural Philippines roughly the same time when "Ghost Moon Night" takes place. My biggest fear is that before I finish revising this novel, he would come out with either a novel or a memoir set in that era. I had better hurry and finish this thing.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Making People Jump

Several years ago, I told my husband a plot of a story I was thinking of writing. It would be a mystery set, where else?, in the Philippines. As the story went along, he was just listening politely, until the part when the villain reveals himself. My husband literally jumped in his seat. It was cool to me to see his reaction, and I go for that in my stories.

How I Started Writing Horror Fiction

It was Christmas of 2006 and I was thinking of a plot for a short story to submit to our local paper for their Holiday Contest. I didn't want the piece to be sappy. The year before, I submitted a piece called "Gift Exchange" which was about a girl who makes friends with the new boarder in her house and that bordered a little on sappy. This time, I wanted to turn the stereotype of the holiday story on its ear. I wanted a piece that would scare people.

I thought of holiday traditions I grew up with in the Philippines, where I spent the first 15 years of my life. My family put up a fake five-foot-tall Christmas tree in our living room which I liked to stare at while listening to the Carpenters' Christmas Portrait album. That's probably scary to some people, but to me that was a pleasant experience. We put up a Santa poster, had a Christmas party and went to mass on Christmas Eve. On New Year's Eve, we also went to mass. At the stroke of midnight, my siblings and I would jump (in the middle of mass) because there is a Philippine superstition that if you jump at midnight, you will get taller.

I decided the story would be set in a Philippine province on New Year's Eve, and the main character would be a Filipino-American boy who kicks a nuno sa punso (a mound with an elf) and gets cursed on New Year's Eve. When he jumps in mass, instead of getting taller, he shrinks to the size of an ant.

The story came to me easily. When I was finished, I looked at it and went, "Whoa. Where'd that come from?" I submitted it and got surprised reactions from family and friends. "I didn't know you had that in you," was the general feedback. I'm a pink-lover and a girly-girl (see my other blog, and I enjoyed shocking people.